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Mr. Li Jizhi conducted a training lecture on the topic of “the Interpretation of Foreign Investment Law of the PRC and its impa

Category: Our News 2019.05.16 15:28:19

On May 15, 2019, Mr. Li Jizhi, partner of our firm, was invited to give a training lecture on the topic of “the Interpretation of Foreign Investment Law of the PRC and its impact on M&A and Red Chip Listing”, the attendees mainly include Hong Kong lawyers and independent directors of Hong Kong listed companies. This training lecture is Hong Kong Law Society's Continuing Professional Development credit course.


Mr. Li introduced the history of the evolution of the core legislation in the PRC on foreign investment, interpreted the core provisions of the newly promulgated Foreign Investment Law and analyzed its impact on M&A and red chip listing. After the lecture, attendees discussed their interested issues with Mr. Li.


Mr. Li graduated from Hubei Normal University with a bachelor’s degree in English Language, and later from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law with a master’s degree in Civil and Commercial Law. Mr. Li’s practice focuses on IPO in Mainland China and overseas stock exchanges, domestic and cross-border M&A, private fund and cross-border banking facility and relevant commercial litigation, and Mr. Li has more than ten years of practical experience in these fields. Previously, Mr. Li was also invited to hold lectures on the PRC law in the fields of listing, investment and financing for the HKCSA, the Chinese Banks’ Association Limited, commercial banks, etc. Mr. Li co-authored A+H Company Legal Practice Research and Analysis, which provides useful guidelines to many practitioners for cross-border legal services, and also acted as a reviewer for Study on the Legal Practice of Cross-border Commercial Dispute Resolution. Mr. Li's professional competence and professionalism have been applauded by many clients.