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News Flash | LI&PARTNERS Lawyer Mr. Bronco BUT Gives a Presentation on Hong Kong's Mainland Civil and Commercial Judgments ...

Category: Our News 2024.08.28

News Flash | LI&PARTNERS Lawyer Mr. Bronco BUT Gives a Presentation on Hong Kong's Mainland Civil and Commercial Judgments Ordinance at Yingke (Guangzhou) Law Firm

       On August 22, 2024, LI&PARTNERS Lawyer Mr. Bronco BUT was invited to participate in the Hong Kong Litigation and Arbitration Business Exchange, organized by Beijing Yingke (Guangzhou) Law Firm. The event attracted nearly 3,000 attendees both online and offline.

       During the exchange, Mr. Bronco BUT delivered a presentation on the theme "Common Issues with the Hong Kong Mainland Civil and Commercial Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance," where he introduced and discussed common issues related to the implementation of the ordinance. Mr. Bronco emphasized that a more comprehensive reciprocal recognition and enforcement mechanism could reduce the complexity and uncertainty of having to re-litigate civil and commercial judgments from one jurisdiction in another. This would further mitigate the risks, legal costs, and time involved in cross-border enforcement, allowing civil and commercial disputes between the two regions to be handled more efficiently. He also noted that this development would enhance the cross-border trade and investment environment between the two regions and strengthen Hong Kong's position as an international dispute resolution center.

       During the open discussion session, participants engaged in lively and friendly discussions on topics such as the development trends in the Guangdong legal industry, the differences and similarities between mainland and Hong Kong laws, the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and international legal services, and the cultivation of talents in international legal practices. The atmosphere was both enthusiastic and cordial.