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News Flash | Lawyers Li Jizhi and Zhu Hanliang Invited to Give a Seminar on the New Company Law and Hong Kong Companies Ordinanc

Category: Our News 2024.07.17

News Flash | Lawyers Li Jizhi and Zhu Hanliang Invited to Give a Seminar on the New Company Law and Hong Kong Companies Ordinance for China National Aviation Holding Company


       On July 16, 2024, at the invitation of China National Aviation Holding Company, our firm partners Li Jizhi and Zhu Hanliang from the Li Weibin Law Firm conducted a seminar on the major changes in Mainland China's new company law and its comparison with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.

       During the seminar, Lawyer Li focused on the changes in the new company law regarding corporate organizational structures, board and shareholder meeting voting mechanisms, resolution effectiveness, registered capital, shareholder responsibilities, equity transfers, no-par-value and class shares in joint-stock companies, the issuance of shares by the board under authorization, responsibilities of directors, supervisors, and senior executives, company loss compensation and profit distribution, and shareholder information rights. Combining these with practical experience, he provided recommendations on the reorganization of foreign-invested enterprises in accordance with the company law, transitional requirements for organizational structures, and key legal issues for offshore investment holding companies investing in Mainland China under the new company law. Lawyer Zhu introduced key points of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and the main contents of the Hong Kong company articles of association template, providing a brief comparison of the differences and similarities between the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and the new company law in Mainland China.

       Leaders and colleagues from various business departments of China National Aviation Holding Company and its subsidiaries who attended the seminar had a lively discussion and exchange on related legal issues with Lawyers Li and Zhu. The seminar was highly successful, further enhancing cooperation and exchange between the two parties in the field of legal practice.