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News Flash | Attorneys Xie Wei and David Yang were Invited to Deliver a Seminar on Cross-Border Guarantee Law for BOCOM...

Category: Our News 2024.07.03 14:23:21

News Flash | Attorneys Xie Wei and David Yang were Invited to Deliver a Seminar on Cross-Border Guarantee Law for BOCOM International Holdings Co. Ltd.

On 24 June, 2024, at the invitation of BOCOM International Holdings Company Limited, our partner Xie Wei and David Yang, partner of LI & PARTNERS, delivered a seminar on cross-border guarantees in relation to the PRC and Hong Kong law. The seminar covered several key legal issues in the area of cross-border guarantees, aimed at helping participants gain a deep understanding of the relevant legal knowledge to handle complex cross-border guarantees.

Mr. Yang and Mr. Xie provided detailed explanations on various topics, including the choice of applicable law for cross-border guarantees, guarantees provided by individuals and companies, equity guarantees, account guarantees, language selection, and PRC regulations related to cross-border guarantees. The points were presented with relevant cases and common issues encountered in practice. The aim was to help participants gain a deep understanding of the relevant legal knowledge in both PRC and Hong Kong, better manage cross-border guarantee transactions, and address common legal risks.

The seminar was conducted online, with detailed content and clear case analysis, receiving enthusiastic feedback. Mr. Yang and Mr. Xie, leveraging their extensive practical experience and profound legal expertise, shared valuable cross-border legal insights with BOCOM International Holdings Company Limited, further strengthening cooperation and exchange between the parties in the field of legal practice.