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An enterprise has successfully completed the examination and registration under the Order No. 56......

Category: Our News 2022.08.01 18:09:07

An enterprise has successfully completed the examination and registration under the Order No. 56 of the National Development and Reform Commission's for borrowing medium and long-term foreign debts

Recently, a foreign loan and cross-border guarantee project (the “project”) processed by our law firm successfully obtained the required “Certificate of Examination and Registration for Enterprise Borrowing Foreign Debt” from the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China (the “NDRC”).

The “Administrative Measures for the Examination and Registration of Medium and Long-term Foreign Debts of Enterprises” (Order No. 56 of NDRC, “Order No. 56”) issued by  NDRC has been implemented since February 10, 2023. Enterprises borrowing medium and long-term foreign debts shall apply for foreign debt examination and registration in accordance with the provisions of Order No.56, and obtain a “Certificate of Examination and Registration for Enterprise Borrowing Foreign Debt” before borrowing foreign debts.

In this Project, as the PRC legal adviser of the overseas lender, LI & PARTNERS (SHENZHEN) has provided opinions on the various domestic administrative licensing procedures involved, carefully verified the various Chinese legal materials involved in the project in accordance with the law, drafted a Chinese legal opinion during the process of the project, and provided comprehensive, high-quality and efficient PRC legal services for the project.