
LI Yue


Lawyer Li graduated from China University of Political Science and Law with a bachelor's degree in law. In 1996, she passed the national lawyer qualification examination, in 2001, she obtained the national qualification of corporate legal counsel, and in 2004, she obtained the professional qualification of land registration agent. Now, she is a special researcher of the research center of land and resources law of China University of Political Science and Law.

After graduation, Li Yue worked in Beijing Sun Light Law Firm for three years, mainly engaged in litigation, real estate, investment and other non litigation businesses,. Then she entered EAS International Transportation Ltd. and became one of the founders of legal affairs department. She has successively served as senior legal counsel, deputy general manager of Enterprise Development Department, and Legal director of Kerry Logistics (China) Investment Co., Ltd, in charge of the legal affairs of Kerry Logistics Group in mainland China. At the same time, Li Yue also participated in a number of equity M & A, foreign investment, logistics real estate investment and disposal projects, including the acquisition of TCI project by Kerry Logistics, the disposal of Beijing Tianzhu regulatory base project, and the IPO project of Kerry Logistics listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Li Yue who is now a partner of Beijing L&P Law Firm, has acted as an agent in foreign-related cases such as revoking the resolution of the board of directors of China Hotel Company, as well as in huge lawsuits such as shareholder's untrue contribution.

Lawyer Li Yue has been engaged in legal work for more than 20 years. She is good at legal affairs of the company and is familiar with enterprise risk control process. She has a good grasp of enterprise compliance, contract process supervision and risk prevention, and is deeply involved in equity merger and acquisition, real estate investment and other fields. She can provide high-quality legal services according to the needs of customers.