Our News

Invited by Bank of Communications Hong Kong Branch, we held a seminar on “Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect policy analys

Author: 李伟斌律师事务所 Category: Our News 2021.10.11 10:57:27

On October 8, 2021, upon the invitation of Bank of Communications Hong Kong Branch (the “Bank”), our partner Xie Wei, attorney Li Junna, and partner from our Hong Kong office, Kelvin Chan held a seminar on the topic of Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (the “Cross-boundary WMC”) analysis and banking business development.

The Cross-boundary WMC is a specific policy that implemented in order to promote the development of financial markets in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Our attorneys shared legal topics related to Cross-boundary WMC in respect of both PRC and Hong Kong laws with the participants of the Bank.