Our News

Li&Partners Team Building Day—“Build passionate team, achieve united dream”

Category: Our News 2019.05.28 14:45:33

For the purpose of creating a passionate and happy working atmosphere while reducing stress and anxiety. Last month, Li&Partners had specially arranged a team building activity to enrich staff’s spare time on one-hand, and to enhance staff’s coordination on the other hand, both are for providing better legal services.


The team building started at 9:30 AM, May 25th,2019


There are some interesting game projects included in this team building, such as “Jungle Paintball”, “Caterpillars”, “Funny star war” and “Nametag ripping battle”. People are working as a team and successfully completed the tasks. 


The purpose of the event would be to let us realize that “a person’s strength is limited while a team’s strength is infinite”, As a part of the LI&Partners family ,we are awared that the success of a team requires the joint efforts of each of us and which had fully reflected in our slogan “Build passionate team, achieve united dream”.
